If You Seek for Eldorado, 2020Hung With the Sunset’s Fringe Of Gold, 2019 An Eden of That Dim Lake, 2019The Deep Sea Swell, 2022 Going Back, 2018Landscape Changed, 2016The Clouds I, 2016The Clouds II, 2016The Cloud Above I, 2009The Cloud Above II, 2009To the River, 2019The Cloths Of Heaven, 2019Arctic I, 2013Hollow Fjord, 2020The Fjord, 2016Look Back, Look Up I, 2019The Arctic - Into the White , 2013Arctic III, 2013Arctic II, 2013Airth, 2013Airth, 2011Going Nowhere IX, 2009The Cloud, 2015Going Nowhere VIII, 2009